Keep Momentum When You Digitize Go-to-market of Software Products

Imagine: You aim to digitize go-to-market of software products of your company. You hope to find change agents who share your excitement. You find indifference. Plus, managing the effects this transformation projects has on the organization is not part of your project’s scope, but dealing with roadblocks is.

Kristina is a Go-to-market expert, and leader of cross-functional, agile teams–but not immune to the challenges of digital transformation. This article discusses how Kristina applied her emotional intelligence to enable and lead cross-functional, agile teams through the winds of change and endure it with equanimity.

Keep Momentum When You Digitize Go-to-market of Software Products

Set the stage: Give purpose and Get Commitment

Kristina:” Give your key stakeholders an understanding of the bigger picture, create a common sense of purpose and a common goal when you digitize go-to-market of software products in a traditional tech firm.” Start by explaining why there’s a need for change, rather than beginning by outlining your project’s intended outcome or what’s being done. This approach will help you navigate and justify future changes should they occur. Build a team. Seek a group of people who support you and your direction – complex problems require team effort.

Grow Your Empathy Muscles

Kristina: “I can tell you what your garden needs, why it needs it, and how to change it, but I can’t garden for you.” People, processes, and technology are effected when you digitize go-to-market of software products. Its ripples span across your company’s value chain. You can’t solve all problems yourself. Use your “why we are changing” story to move people past the initial understanding phase into action and commitment to keep momentum going. Kristina stresses the importance of cultivating a beginner’s mindset to remove roadblocks. Practice mindful candor. Pay attention to the way you formulate and challenge assumptions and beliefs to defuse heated discussions.

Success Stories and Candor Motivate Cross-functional Teams

Finding a sustainable solution isn’t always a walk in the park when you digitize go-to-market of software products in a traditional tech firm. Kristina quotes from Chip & Dan Heath’s Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, “Take what works, strengthen it and build. This option breeds faster success than a root cause analysis; and it makes it easier for people to join the party.” Finding these kinds of opportunities isn’t always easy, but they’re worth the effort. Now all you need to do is enable others to take responsibility for change actions.

Cultivate Growth Mind-sets With Compassion

Enabling others requires a leader who can unleash people’s growth mind-set. Kristina encourages the approach of balancing constructive feedback with compassion. Practice being understanding and empathetic about the issues someone’s facing, but then challenge and enable them to move forward. The same applies for a team setting. Kristina explains that working at headquarters makes you view things differently than at local branches. Empathy and active listening can help you and your team move through obstacles. There is so much to discover when you listen, question assumptions and beliefs critically, be kind and understanding towards yourself and others, but then still push to find a solution and change.

Personally, what I love about transformation is its recurrent nature. Every change process starts with taking a good look at yourself, and as Kristina says when you digitize go-to-market of software products in a traditional firm, “Be aware of yourself, your filter, and your impact on other people.” This skill never gets old, regardless of the number of transformation projects you’ve secured under your belt.

What are your tricks when it comes to managing change?

I can’t wait to share my next conversation with you – speak soon,

Disclaimer: This content includes Irina’s personal view and experiences; it does not reflect an official opinion of Siemens AG.


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Erna DrionOur cry for authentic leadership during transformation