Brian Dyches, CEO of ensemble

The Manifesting CEO: Brian Dyches, Take Your People And Company To The Next Level

Brian, CEO of ensemble, shares how manifestation can help you take your people and company to the next level.

Stefan Schwab, CEO of Enlighted

Authentic Leadership When Abroad Leading A Startup

Stefan, CEO of enlighted, shares why authentic leadership is key when working abroad to lead a startup.

Nina Eichholz, Consultant for Modern Organization Design & Agile Transformation

Focus on Structure To Accelerate Innovation

Nina consults leaders on how to accelerate innovation. She shares how to focus on structures that accelerate innovation.

Amélie leads the Siemens Solution and Service Business of Branch in Paris

Leading A Resilient Organization

Amelie, leader of Siemens Solution & Service Business, Paris. She was the Academic Director, Center for Health, Well-Being & Happiness at IE University.

Are Your Saboteurs Getting in the Way?

Irina, Director of Data Strategy at Siemens and Margo, leader, certified executive coach and leadership development trainer, on saboteurs.

Tobias, PhD in creativity, lecturer, TedX talk Speaker, and Creative Strategist at Siemens

Treat Creativity At Work Like Your Romantic Relationships

Tobi, PhD in creativity and Creative Strategist at Siemens, was a lecturer, co-founder of a creativity beverage firm, and held a TedX talk on “Falling in Love with Creativity”.

Franz, certified mediator and seasoned leader

Change the World One Conversation At A Time

Franz is a certified mediator and seasoned leader. He shares how conflict is key to unleashing diversity of thought and "speak up" culture.

Ma Qing, Head of People and Organization Siemens China

Your Success Is My Success

Ma Qing, Head People and Organization, Siemens China, says success in transformation is rooted in altruism. We can learn to succeed together.

Who Are We Becoming?

Barbara, president and CEO of Siemens USA, shares how she works towards becoming the best version of herself to tackle the world's most pressing challenges.

Olivia is an award-winning Tedx speaker, corporate presentation trainer, public speaking and leadership coach

Your Story is Your Power

Olivia is an award-winning TEDx Speaker and Public Speaking & Leadership Coach. Learn how to deliver your uniqueness, inspire, and drive change.

Nicole is an award-winning executive coach, keynote speaker, and author of “How to Develop the Authentic Leader in You."

Elevating Consciousness for Authentic Leadership

Nicole Heimann is an award-winning executive and team coach, author, and speaker. She shares how to become a conscious, authentic leader.

Renée is an award-winning communications professional and change management lecturer

Building Trust and Speak-Up Culture

Renée is an award-winning communications professional and change management lecturer. She builds trust and speak-up culture during change.

From Purpose to Impact

Philip is a monk and entrepreneur. He helps artists and innovators find their purpose, and create sustainable solutions.

Natalia, Chief Cybersecurity Officer and Chief Diversity Officer at Siemens

Drive Change and Digital Adoption in the Industry

Natalia, Siemens chief cybersecurity officer and chief diversity officer, drives change and digital adoption in the industry.

Building Bridges Across Silos To Create The Future

Julia's mission is to build bridges across silos to help companies develop sustainable business models.

Story-Driven Change for Employee Ownership

The Storytellers enable employees ownership with story-driven change that enables digitalization and grows the bottom line.

Mobilize People for Change

Beat mobilized 7'000 employees for change to execute on a growth strategy and grew the customer base by 50% over a few years.

Nik on Fit for Purpose Workspaces

Fit for Purpose Workspaces, A New Work Story

Nik, Head HR in Spain and Portugal shares Siemens' approach to fit for purpose workspaces.

Flo, possibilits and co-founder of Zukunftbureau

Nurturing Creative Environments

Florian Wieser, possibilist and co-founder of Zukunftbureau, nurtures creative environments for innovators and their creative process.

Making Change and Transformation Fun

Dejan Popovic, entrepreneur, thought leader, and lecturer helps companies drive innovation and make change and transformation fun.

Bianca Witte

Heart or Hard-driven Change?

Bianca Witte, lean transformation change coach calls for trust and self-development to lead heart-driven change.

Victoria Klug, Chief Culture Officer for Siemens’ newly founded IoT business

Creating A Purpose-Driven IoT Business

Victoria Klug, Chief Culture Officer for Siemens’ newly founded IoT business, shares how to create a purpose that reaches beyond shareholder value.

Leading Diverse Teams to Drive Innovation

Mariana Porley, CFO Siemens Smart Infrastructure Building Products, shares her stories on leading diverse teams to drive innovation.

Creating Inclusive Leadership Cultures

Robert Neuhauser, Global Head of Siemens People and Leadership, shares how to create inclusive leadership culture during digitalization.

Fouad Alame and Helena Suter

How to Make Change About People

Fouad Alame shares his story about how, finding himself hospitalized, he came to think how to improve self-care, which led him to people-centric change, making change meaningful and fun to employees.

Kristina Schreiner

Keep Momentum When You Digitize Go-to-market of Software Products

Imagine digitizing go-to-market of your company. You hope to find change agents who share your excitement. You find indifference. Managing the effects your projects has on the organization is not part of your project’s scope, but dealing with roadblocks is.

Franziska Dolak

Focus on Your Strengths to Inspire Change

Our strengths energize us and enable us to perform at our best. Franziska explains her thoughts on why focus on our strengths to inspire change, and how she developed them becoming an innovation and change manager at Siemens Smart Infrastructure.

Irina Koitz

Customer Co-creation with Empowerment Leadership


Learn how to navigate change as you co-create your product. Why empowerment leadership is key to foster belief in yourself and your team.