A lifelong learner

As a 23-year-old student 🤓  a TED Talk stuck with me: A psychologist spoke of our 20s being the most important time of our psychological development 📈  and thus strongly defined our character, personality, and behavior for the rest of our life. Wow; what I heard her say: You learn it all in your 20s. Really? 🤨   Here’s a story and reflection 😇  on my last day of being 29 — happily realizing that I’m a lifelong learner.

I’m turning 30…

When I was 23 and a full-time business student in St. Gallen, I spent time buried in books. Cooking and exercising were “me time ” (oh, how I laugh at that now). I indulged in audio books on emotional intelligence, growth mindset, willpower, lean in—you get it.

I also listened to a lot of TED Talks. One stuck with me: A psychologist (forgot her name) spoke of our twenties being the most important time of our psychological development and thus strongly defined our character, personality, and behavior for the rest of our life. Wow, and what I heard her say: You learn it all in your 20s. It’s all downhill from there, because you’re set in your ways— yikes! I thought to myself, I’ve already lost 3 years!

I Am A Lifelong Learner

It’s my last day of being 29. And I’m so relieved that TED Talks no longer test my susceptibility, but spark ideas. I’m proud to have learned the most important lesson: I know nothing for certain. I stay a lifelong learner.

I’m not deprived of psychological and intellectual fluidity and expansion, but am fuelled by seeking it out.

Self-development doesn’t provide standards I must “live up to”—they are tools at my disposal. And when applied with humility and vulnerability turn into my superpower for connection, love, and transcendence.

I Am Grateful for Every Lesson

I’m grateful that I’ve been given the opportunity to grow into a self-reliant person. And I’m endlessly grateful for every person who’s entered my life, and the love or lessons they’ve given me.

I peer into my 30s with a mind that has changed but hasn’t finished developing. I focus on compassion so that I can have more fun challenging boundaries. It will help me be a fierce, loving, and understanding woman.

I’m turning 30. I still love books. I choose podcasts over TED Talks. And I have curated a lust for life more than ever. I am a lifelong learner.

What are or were your highlights or greatest lessons learned in your 30s?

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Leading Change Management with Empathy
Mom, have I lost my best years to COVID-19?