Your Story is Your Power–How To Own Your Uniqueness And Not Fit In

Olivia spent most of her life thinking she wasn’t good enough: Her parents told her she couldn’t become a dancer. She became a dancer. Olivia also had a speech impediment. She became the European toastmasters champion. When you stop trying to fit in that’s when life happens, she says. Your story is your power. When you learn to tell it and realize how healing that process is. And you may find yourself inspiring people to drive the change we need to see in the world.

Olivia is an Award Winning Tedx Speaker, Corporate Presentation Trainer, Public Speaking & Leadership Coach. She turns people who speak to inform into confident speakers who inspire and present credibly, authentically, dynamically.

Episode #19 In A Nutshell

What are you ashamed of? Are you aware that it may be what sets you apart from others and makes you unique? And even if you do know yourself –how can you find and share your story with the world to connect with people more deeply? Perhaps even use it to inspire people to follow you as a leader? 

In this episode, Olivia shares how you can uncover your voice and story, and become a better speaker, and leader who moves people into action through inspiring and connecting with them more authentically. 

My take-aways on how to own our uniqueness and deliver your story to drive change:

  1. Too many leaders speak to inform. Learning to tell your story will help you speak to inspire: If people cant relate with what you say or understand what you are saying how can they be moved to action?
  2. Uncover your story by accepting your vulnerability, your dark side, that which you feel embarrassed about. Own your flaws, your shortcomings–they make you human– and that makes you relatable.
  3. Being vulnerable and sharing your shortcomings often means taking a closer look at those uncomfortable things from our childhood that we believed. What situation at work did you experience were you worked through your limiting beliefs? –that’s your story.
  4. Connecting with your audience is the next step: You don’t need to be perfect, but you need to be present to be authentic

Tune in for Olivia’s tips and tricks to prepare for your speech, uncover your most inspirational story, and her infectious laugh. She’s such a bundle of energy and joy!

Connect with  us:

Olivia on Linkedin or her website.

Me, Helena, on Linkedin or Instagram


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