How are we enabling people and the business to be successful during transformation ?

Siemens China transformed to keep up with China’s tech sector’s pace and growth. Ma Qing shares how Siemens China’s success in transforming its business is linked to empowerment culture to attract and retain talent, and ecosystem thinking. Success, she says, is rooted in altruism, the belief that we cannot achieve great things by ourselves.

Episode #21 In A Nutshell

How are we enabling people and the business to stay relevant and resilient during transformation and  change, and to succeed? Empowerment leadership and culture are tools to ensure resiliency, relevancy—success. But, developing empowerment culture requires a shift in mindset:  “Your success is my success.” Ma Qing elaborates on this. Here are my key take aways:

  • Ensuring the success of others ensures my success
  • I work to stay in touch with the people I work with, so that I know what matters to them. The feeling of togetherness is powerful, it brings us closers, and allows us to succeed together.
  • Empowerment is about empowering every person in the ecosystem, not just my employees
  • I work on becoming the best version of myself, so that I do a better job at empowering others
  • Self-development means I am open to learn, and I use self-compassion to stay motivated when my confidence takes a hit from making mistakes

I hope you enjoy!

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