Being A Disruptive Innovator Requires Treating Creativity Like We do Our Relationships

Tobi is curious, and I think his vulnerability is his super power. He explains how being disruptive in business requires two key aspects: to work on creativity like we work on ourselves in relationships, and to value and to spend more time in the “problem space” where we dig into a problem before we jump into developing solutions.

Tobi holds a PhD in creativity, was a lecturer, co-founder of a creativity beverage firm, and held a TedX talk on “Falling in Love with Creativity”. He models the traits required for success in his role as ‘Creative Strategist’ at Siemens, where he enables people in their creative process, setting the company up to be more disruptive.

Episode #23 In A Nutshell

Treat creativity like your relationships – show up, stay open, and learn how to grow.

My key take-aways from this episode:

  • Disruptive innovation requires us to focus on “how” (team and problem solving), and not jump straight into the “what” (product)
  • Dig into a problem and get comfortable in that space by letting go of perfectionism, and being ok with the discomfort that arises
  • Ideas arise from being in “stand-by” mode: Slow down, and use play and relaxation so your subconscious mind can push ideas into your consciousness
  • Seek environments where you aren’t the expert, be curious and open, accept people who are different to you, this will heighten your/team’s creativity
  • Don’t wait for a perfect plan, scenario, environment, or reason to do / create. Start and allow your first few steps to be wobbly

Connect with  us:

Tobi on Linkedin, his website, and check out his TedTalk and his podcast on creativity

Me, Helena, on Linkedin or Instagram , or visit my website for more inspiring change stories


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